June 13, 2022#

June & July Availability

Note to all clients:

This is an update on my current situation to help clients manage their work with me. As I’ve been unwell for a few weeks now I feel it is appropriate to provide more information.

Ideally, I’d be running at 100% by now but this is obviously not the case, and I am running slow and late on many projects.

Although I have shared my doctors note with clients individually – which is valid until 18th – there may be disruption beyond that.



During 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, I had pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis as part of an unusual period of illness, which was treated successfully. Image from records at bottom of page, more evidence can be provided by request.

Tuberculosis can affect any part of the body and it can recur. My case was unusual, but extensive. I contracted it from a Polish co-worker (proven with contact tracing).

In May[edited!] of this year, I became mysteriously unwell again.

Doctors believe that it has shown up again in my bladder, urinary tract and so on. This is known as GUTB. GUTB can show up a decade after the initial infection. This has not been confirmed, but it is their current avenue of investigation.

My current condition is disabling. During recent investigations, doctors found a heart issue of sorts, which is being treated well. However, I am keen to manage stress for the time being.

TB is difficult to diagnose, and tests takes time. The reason they do not treat pre-emptively is because the drugs used to destroy TB are harmful in their own right. I am currently in the midst of treatments and investigations, which take time. The medicines used in the interim are also tiring in their own right.



I am doing my best to honour my commitments, I ask all clients to bear with me.

This has likely been going on for some time as I have struggled with vague, unfamiliar issues of fatigue.

Doctors note is below. Excerpt of my history of TB is below. I am being treated at New Victoria Hospital and Kingston Health Center intermittently.

My current plan is to continue working, and ultimately get this sorted. However, clients must temper their expectations.

TB itself is generally treatable and the form being investigated is not infectious to others.

Thank you for your understanding.


